We love wallpaper and we love that there are so many home owners interested in using it to bring life to their living spaces. We built this guide to help measure out exactly how much to purchase for your space.

How To calculate Total Square Footage (TSF)

Step 1: Measure the height of the walls in your room. – Wall Height

Step 2: Measure width of each wall and add them together – Combined Width of Walls

Step 3: Calculate: Combined Width of Walls X Height of Wall = TSF

By multiplying the Combined Width by the Wall Height you get the total square footage (TSF) of wall space you need to cover with wallpaper.

Step 4: Factor in the pattern repeat. If the pattern repeat is 18″ or less then divide the TSF by 23, if the pattern repeat is 19″ to 25″ then divide the TSF by 20.

What is The Pattern Repeat Effect

A pattern repeat is how frequently a shape or image appears in a strip of wallpaper. To create a seamless effect each strip of wallpaper needs to be lined up with the pattern repeat of the previous strip. The bigger the repeat the more waste and the need for more wallpaper. The smaller the repeat the less waste and the less wallpaper you need. So a pattern repeat of 18″ means that you will see the image every 18″ in a strip of wallpaper. A Random Match means there is no pattern repeat which means there will be very little waste and is easier to hang than wallpaper with a repeat.

Wallpaper Estimation Table

Use the following table to help gauge how many rolls you need to purchase. (This table is based on 28 sq ft per single rolls at 18″ or less pattern repeat or random match.)

Total Square Footage to Cover# of Single rolls Required# of Double rolls Required
up to 50 sq ft2 single rolls1 double rolls
50 to 100 sq ft4 single rolls2 double rolls
101 to 150 sq ft6 single rolls3 double rolls
151 to 200 sq ft8 single rolls4 double rolls
201 to 250 sq ft10 single rolls5 double rolls
251 to 300 sq ft12 single rolls6 double rolls
301 to 350 sq ft14 single rolls7 double rolls
351 to 400 sq ft16 single rolls8 double rolls
401 to 450 sq ft18 single rolls9 double rolls
451 to 500 sq ft20 single rolls10 double rolls
501 to 550 sq ft22 single rolls11 double rolls
551 to 600 sq ft24 single rolls12 double rolls

Whimsical’s Tip

You always want to order more than you need instead of not enough. The last thing you want is to run out of wallpaper and have to reorder since it is difficult at times to get the same run and dye lot numbers. To keep things simple and to ensure you have enough paper do not make any deductions for windows, doors, and cabinets.

Have questions or need help? Talk to our wallpaper experts at info@whimsicalwalls.ca or via our phone number at the top of the page.